Infinity Dreams Award!

Thank you to Matt-in-the-Hat for once again nominating me for an award!


Here are the rules:

  • List seven dreams. (They can be personal or website related.)
  • Nominate seven other bloggers/authors/dogs for this award and notify them
  1. I want to open a successful anime, toy, cosplay, and collectible store. We’re already working on it and getting closer – we just got “conditional” approval for a business loan a couple of days ago and are currently gathering the last of the requested documentation. All we need to do is make sure we’re successful…..
  2. I want to be a better blogger. I have 2 blogs and don’t maintain either very well. This blog is all things anime and pop culture related. I post poetry and random essays on my other. I have so many wonderful and talented people that I follow from both but I rarely have time to stay up to date on everything they post.
  3. I want to be less shy about telling people that I’m a writer and that I’ve actually written a full novel and have 2 more that are almost completed.
  4. On that same vein, I want to be a published author. I want an agent to sell my work so that I can see my name on a book cover.
  5. I want to be less serious. My entire life, I’ve always had a serious streak, but it seems anymore that I don’t know how to turn this off. I used to have fun and not care what anyone thought. I want to return to that version of myself.
  6. I want to go to Japan. And Italy. I’ve always wanted to see both countries. The dream is to go to Japan and just buy EVERYTHING! And Italy is just a beautiful country with a rich history.
  7. I want to make more friends. My husband and I moved to Raleigh almost a year ago and haven’t made many friends yet. We’ve been too busy preparing to open a store while still working full time. It’s definitely taking a toll. So, if you’re in the Triangle area, hit me up! Maybe we can hang out and talk all things geek or literature. I’m good with any of those. But not politics. We might have to fight. LOL

My nominees:

Wary Wanderlust
Wee Lin’s Blog
Anime Reviewer Girl
Brian Cisneros Art
Blogs From Geekdom
I Can’t Possibly Be Wrong All The Time

Ok, so maybe I cheated and chose 8 nominees but I’d love to choose even more.
Thanks again Matt!

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